微支付通道: 单一方向的多次支付,通过签名的方式约束,减少链上操作,降低交易花费。理论上讲,这种方式没有TPS上限。本文主要介绍微支付通道的创建流程和方法。


  1. Create a public key (K1) for client. Request a public key from the server (K2).


  1. Create and sign but do not broadcast a transaction (T1) that sets up a payment of (for example) 10 BTC to an output requiring both the server’s private key and one of your own to be used. A good way to do this is use OP_CHECKMULTISIG. The value to be used is chosen as an efficiency tradeoff.


  1. Create a refund transaction (T2) that is connected to the output of T1 which sends all the money back to yourself. It has a timelock set for some time in the future, for instance a few hours. Don’t sign it, and provide the unsigned transaction to the server. By convention, the output script is 2 K1 K2 2 CHECKMULTISIG

客户端创建一个赎回交易T2,此交易以T1为输入,把全部金额返回给自己。这笔交易有一个timelock,以保证它可以在未来的一个时间点执行,比如几个小时以后。客户端并不为T2签名,而是将未签名的交易发给服务器。通常情况下,这个输出脚本是 2 K1 K2 2 CHECKMULTISIG

  1. The server signs T2 using its private key associated with K2 and returns the signature to the client. Note that it has not seen T1 at this point, just the hash (which is in the unsigned T2).


  1. Client verifies the server's signature is correct and aborts if not.


  1. The client signs T1 and passes the signature to the server, which now broadcasts the transaction (either party can do this if they both have connectivity). This locks in the money.


  1. The client then creates a new transaction, T3, which connects to T1 like the refund transaction does and has two outputs. One goes to K1 and the other goes to K2. It starts out with all value allocated to the first output (K1), ie, it does the same thing as the refund transaction but is not time locked. The client signs T3 and provides the transaction and signature to the server.

就像创建T2一样,再创建一条交易T3, 同样使用T1作为输入。T3有两个输出,一个是给客户端K1,一个是给服务器K2。此交易将金额重新分配,但不像T2,它是没有timelock的,只要广播出去就可以马上被打包到区块。客户端签名T3,并发给服务器。

  1. The server verifies the output to itself is of the expected size and verifies the client’s provided signature is correct.


  1. When the client wishes to pay the server, it adjusts its copy of T3 to allocate more value to the server’s output and less to its own. It then re-signs the new T3 and sends the signature to the server. It does not have to send the whole transaction, just the signature and the amount to increment by is sufficient. The server adjusts its copy of T3 to match the new amounts, verifies the signature and continues.



客户端持有T2,有双方签名,但有timelock。 服务器持有T3,有双方签名,没有timelock。 如果服务器违约,客户端可以广播T2, 就可以在timelock之后拿回自己的资产。 如果客户端违约,服务器可以在RefundTx被执行前,广播最新的T3,由于T3没有timelock,会被立即打包,所以客户端持有的RefundTx就失效了。




{locktime: 100, {c:100, s:0}}
{locktime: 99, {c:99, s:1}}
{locktime: 98, {c:98, s:2}}
{locktime: 97, {c:97, s:3}}
{locktime: 90, {c:90, s:10}}

Client收到5批商品后,广播了交易A{locktime: 99, {c:99, s:1}},被Server发现后,server可以广播最新的交易B{locktime: 90, {c:90, s:10}} 因为B.locktime < A.locktime, 所以B交易会优先被区块链打包确认,这样就可以做到作废A交易。